Behavioral Finance

MGMT X 430.137

This course is based on the fundamental principle that the first step to successfully investing your money is to not lose it. This course covers financial bubbles, scams, and a study of the biases that drive human behavior.


What you can learn.

  • Learn about common investment mistakes, the role of randomness in finance, and practical applications of behavioral finance
  • Develop an understanding of behavioral finance research, which suggests that there are persistent market traits that can generate greater returns

About this course:

This course is based on the fundamental principle that the first step to successfully investing your money is to not lose it. Covering the theory and practice of behavioral finance, including a history of financial bubbles, scams, and a study of the heuristics (rules of thumb) and biases that drive human behavior. Other topics in this course include prospect theory, common investment mistakes, the role of randomness in finance, retirement planning and practical applications of behavioral finance. Also presented are basic principles of traditional portfolio theory and behavioral finance research that suggests there are persistent market traits that can generate excess returns.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

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