Torn from the Flag: A Film about the 1956 Hungarian Revolution

GENINT 731.535

Osher (50+). In this course, we screen the documentary, Torn from the Flag (2007), about the decline of communism and the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, followed by a Q&A with the film maker.


About this course:

In this course, film director, Klaudia Kovács, presents her Oscar contender and multi-award-winning, international documentary, Torn from the Flag (2007), about the decline of communism and the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. The following notables appear in the documentary: Mikhail Gorbachev, Ronald Reagan, Henry Kissinger, and Otto von Habsburg. The movie was made in collaboration with Mark Kramer, the director of Harvard University’s Cold War Studies Project; William Taubman, Pulitzer Prize-winning Political Scientist and Khrushchev expert; Vilmos Zsigmond, Academy Award winning cinematographer; and Laszlo Kovacs, cinematography legend. After the screening, students take part in a discussion on the history and culture of Eastern Europe, the sociopolitical dynamics of the 20th century, and the filmmaking process itself.    

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