Fiction and Nonfiction for Spanish Speakers


Develop your skills writing fiction and nonfiction in the Spanish language in this  course designed for proficient Spanish speakers and conducted in Spanish.

Starting at $720.00
As few as 10 weeks

What you can learn.

  • Learn to highlight Spanish speaking voices and culture in your writing
  • Dive into structure, plot, character, and how to overcome writer's block
  • Give and receive feedback with your peers in an instructor-led workshop environment
  • Get publishing tips to help you get your writing into the world

About this course:

This course explores writing prose in the Spanish language — an underrepresented group with rich voices and unique stories to tell. The goal is more than refocusing language — it's about highlighting Spanish speaking voices and culture. Together we will take a deep dive into structure, plotting, character, idea generation and overcoming writer’s block. Students will be asked to submit one piece of prose writing for workshopping, such as a memoir or short story. Through weekly lectures, exercises, in-class writing and sharing and constructive feedback, students will sharpen their skills and tighten their manuscripts. Insider publishing tips will be made available to students, so that everyone feels like they are on the cutting edge of the industry. Together we will celebrate our similarities and differences through writing, language and culture. Porque tu voz importa. Este curso explora la escritura en prosa en el idioma español, un grupo subrepresentado con voces ricas y historias únicas por contar. El objetivo va más allá de reenfocar el idioma, se trata de resaltar las voces y la cultura de habla hispana. Juntos profundizaremos en la estructura, la trama, los personajes, la generación de ideas y cómo superar el temido bloqueo del escritor. Se pedirá a los estudiantes que presenten una pieza de escritura para el taller, como una memoria o un relato corto. A través de las lecturas semanales, ejercicios, escritura en clase compartiendo y recibiendo retroalimentación constructiva, los estudiantes afinarán sus habilidades y mejorarán sus manuscritos. Se ofrecerán consejos internos sobre el mundo editorial para que todos sientan que están a la vanguardia de la industria. Juntos celebraremos nuestras similitudes y diferencias a través de la escritura, el idioma y la cultura. Porque tu voz importa.

Instruction and discussion for this course will be in Spanish. Spanish language proficiency is required. 

La instrucción y las discusiones para este curso serán en español. Se requiere dominio del idioma español.

Winter 2025 Schedule

Date & Time
This section has no set meeting times.
Future Offering (Opens November 04, 2024 12:00:00 AM)
See Details
Instructor: Sofía Lapuente
Onlineformat icon

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. Internet access required. 

This online course is conducted through Canvas, a secure website that allows students to log in to access lectures, discussions, and other course materials on demand. There are no required live class meetings. Each course is structured with weekly assignments and deadlines. Lectures and coursework are accessible throughout the week. Workshops are conducted in writing via discussion boards with your instructor and classmates.

Refund Deadline
No refunds after January 22, 2025
Course Requirements
Internet access required to access course materials.

Contact Us

Speak to a student advisor. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.
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