Hours of Operation
Monday through Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (PT)
Gayley Center, 2nd Floor
1145 Gayley Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Academic RecordsGayley Center, 2nd Floor Academic Credentials | Transcripts | Enrollment Verification | Subpeonas |
Career ServicesGayley Center, 2nd Floor - By appointment only Career Resources & Events | Employer Job Postings | Handshake Job Board |
Cashier's OfficeGayley Center, 2nd Floor Payments | Collections | Payment Inquiries | Refunds | Wire Transfers | BruinCards | 1098-T Tax Reporting |
Disability ServicesGayley Center, 2nd Floor Academic Accommodations | Proctoring for Students with Disabilities |
Enrollment CenterGayley Center, 2nd Floor Enrollments | Concurrent Enrollments | Transfers/Withdrawals | Chapter 31 and 33 Voc Rehab | In-School Deferment | Purchase Orders |
Financial AidGayley Center, 2nd Floor AmeriCorps | Grants and Loans | Military/Veterans Aid | Workforce Investment Board |
International Student Office: Immigration and AdmissionGayley Center, 2nd Floor I-20 Student Visa Applications |
Student Rights and Responsibilities CenterGayley Center, 2nd Floor Discrimination Complaints | Student Conduct | Title IX: Sexual Harassment/Violence |