Managing Organizational Transformation

MGMT X 494.4

This course is a “how-to” for planning and implementing an organization’s digital transformation.


What you can learn.

  • Learn how to mitigate potential transformation issues and increase the likelihood of success
  • Develop an understanding of and utilize the power of “design thinking” and modeling
  • Learn to prepare for transformation by investigating critical data and data relationships
  • Learn important transferable lessons from start-ups and new digitally driven companies

About this course:

As traditional methods of managing change and technology integration are being disrupted, the impact of digital on organizations can create dysfunction and frustration. In this course, you’ll learn why digital transformation must involve new alignments of marketing, customer relations, HR, production, purchasing, accounting, finance, and other strategically important daily operational jobs.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

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