Our grading system, to the letter.

UCLA Extension uses the below grading scales. Access your grades by logging into your Student Portal.

Learn more about our credit options and course numbers.

Courses numbered X/XL 1-199

Grade - Description
Appears on
A - Excellent
B - Good
C - Fair
D - Barely Passing
F - Failure
- Passed
Work that would earn a grade of "C" or better in undergraduate-level classes
NP - Not Passed
Less than "C" in undergraduate-level classes
CEU - Continuing Education Units earned
N - Not for Credit
 I - Incomplete
DR - Deferred Report (Student Rights and Responsibilities)
IP - Course in Progress (grade pending)

W - Withdrawal
Student Portal Only
NR - Not Recorded
Student Portal Only


Courses numbered X/XL 200-299; X 300-499

Grade - Description
Appears on
A - Excellent
B - Good
C - Fair
F - Failure
- Passed
Work that would earn a grade of "C" or better in undergraduate-level classes
NP - Not Passed
Less than "C" in undergraduate-level classes
S - Satisfactory
Work that would earn a grade of "B" or better in graduate/professional-level classes
U - Unsatisfactory
Less than "B'" in graduate/professional level classes
CEU - Continuing Education Units earned
N - Not for Credit
 I - Incomplete
DR - Deferred Report (Student Rights and Responsibilities)
IP - Course in Progress (grade pending)

W - Withdrawal
Student Portal Only
NR - Not Recorded
Student Portal Only

Please Note

The grade options listed above may vary per course. Review your course syllabus to see which options are available. If you would like to be graded using a different option, email our Enrollment Services team at studentrecords@uclaextension.edu.

All grades, except for Incomplete, are final once filed by your instructor and may include the suffixes + or -. 

Read more about Incomplete and Passed/Not Passed grades:

The interim grade Incomplete (I) may be approved for a student who has completed the majority of the course requirements, with passing quality (grade C or higher), but is unable to complete a small portion of the coursework by the course end date for good cause. For courses in which an Incomplete may be allowed, approval by the instructor of record and the academic program director is required.

  • It is the student’s responsibility to petition for an Incomplete by emailing the appropriate academic program department at least one week before the end of the course. The Program Department will initiate the petition process once the email is received.
  • The student, the instructor, the CE/Program Director, and the program staff must complete the petition prior to the final course meeting or before the quarter end date. This process can take up to one week to complete. 
  • The instructor will approve or deny the request. The instructor will provide details on what the student needs to accomplish in order to complete the course, as well as a due date for submitting completed work. The due date cannot exceed the end of the ensuing quarter when a final grade must be reported or the Incomplete lapses to the grade “F,” “NP,” or “U.”

An Incomplete allows the student to complete only work that is outstanding and does not allow prior completed work to be retaken or resubmitted.

The University of California prohibits using Passed or Not Passed credit for degree-seeking students to:

  • Make up a deficiency, such as grade point average or subject credit
  • Use as evidence of ability to study at the university level
  • Correct probationary or dismissal status
  • Repeat a course in which a grade of D or F was received
  • Fulfill prerequisite requirements, except as specifically authorized

For more information on grading, view policy "AA121 Credit Grading and the Continuing Education Unit" on our policies page, under the Academic Affairs tab.

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