Playing With Time: Looking Backwards into the Future of Motion Graphics

DESMA 850.99

Gain the historical framework and vocabulary to become a mover & shaker in today’s motion graphics industry.


What you can learn.

  • Explore the formal properties and possibilities of motion design
  • Gain the foundational fluency to incorporate motion media into your own design practice beyond the end of the course
  • Develop a historical framework and vocabulary for understanding and producing time-based moving image work
  • Understand the key concerns of video and motion graphics within its larger historical context

About this course:

The current art of motion graphics stands on the shoulders of the experimenters, inventors, tinkerers, hackers, and mad artists that trail blazed the field. Placing contemporary and commercial motion graphics within this larger experimental lineage hopes to inspire, provoke, and challenge what’s possible in the industry of tomorrow. This course provides a historical framework and vocabulary for students hoping to become movers and shakers in today’s motion graphics industry. By understanding the pivotal moments of video and motion graphics within its larger historical context, this class provides you with the foundational fluency to incorporate motion media into your own design practice. In this learn-with-your-hands Zoom, every student will illustrate/rotoscope one frame from Muybridge’s Horse in Motion, which we will then combine to make a collective animation.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.
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