Touring, Tour Budgeting and Merchandising

MUSC X 448.86

Understand the business and mechanics of the concert touring industry with insights into planning shows, acquiring revenue through ticket sales and merchandising, and maximizing profits through marketing and promotion.


What you can learn.

  • Gain an understanding of such different tour revenue streams as ticket sales, sponsorship income, and merchandising
  • Learn how to maximize tour profits through effective marketing, promotion, budgeting and monitoring
  • Understand these processes firsthand from industry guest speakers

About this course:

Discover the fundamental aspects of the concert touring industry. This course guides students through the entire touring process, from planning to settling live performances. Participants gain an understanding of different tour revenue streams, such as ticket sales, sponsorship income and merchandising. Students also learn how to maximize tour profits through effective marketing, promotion, budgeting and monitoring. Instruction includes lectures, industry guest speakers and discussion.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

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