Karen Craigo

Karen Craigo

Instructor Biography:

Nonfiction editor and former editor-in-chief of Mid-American Review, and interview editor of SmokeLong Quarterly.  Ms. Craigo is the author of the poetry collections No More Milk and Passing Through Humansville, and the chapbook Escaped Housewife Tries Hard to Blend In.

Instructor Statement:

It’s a dance, really, the work a copy editor does to make writing come to life. We have to balance between ideas of “correctness” (a constantly shifting foundation) and a writer’s voice, all while keeping a publisher’s style in mind. Although I’m also a practicing creative writer, it turns out that copy editing is one of the most creative things I do. I’d love to reinforce a love of language in my students, because having fun with it makes the dance all the more enjoyable.

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