American Civics 101: A Crash Course

EDUC 731.449

Osher (50+).  In this course, we learn how the U.S. government works and review the concepts on the U.S. Citizenship test.  


About this course:

Every person applying for U.S. citizenship needs to know how our U.S. government works. Many Americans tend to take their U.S. Citizenship for granted. Just imagine if the rules changed and you now had to take a government civics test every year to remain a U.S. citizen. In this course, we cover the topics which you would need to know to pass that test. These topics include: the concept of co-equal branches of Government, their functions, responsibilities and current critical issues; the rationales and ramifications of recent Supreme Court decisions on voting, gun control, affirmative action and others; the importance of the U.S. Constitution and its 27 amendments including its Bill of Rights; gerrymandering and its restrictive effect on states voting rights; and issues surrounding the Electoral College, budget reconciliation, the debt ceiling and our national debt. Given the importance of the upcoming 2024 election, being informed as a citizen and how our government works has never been more important.

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