Professional Approaches to Journalism

JOURN X 440.1

Explore issues facing professional journalists, past and present, and the practices that have come to define the field.


What you can learn.

  • Acquire a basic understanding of the inner workings of journalism
  • Gain an introduction to news judgment, analysis, and ethics
  • Study best practices of journalism writing, research, and reporting
  • Set personal goals for a career in media
  • Prepare for a more hands-on approach to practicing journalism in Reporting and Writing II

About this course:

Course addresses topics such as news judgment, analysis and ethics, challenges investigating and reporting the news, artificial intelligence, and evolving approaches to writing, media creation, and news distribution. Students leave the course with a basic understanding of the inner workings of journalism and consider professional goals for a career in contemporary media.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm

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