Meet guest speakers from storytelling, fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and screenwriting backgrounds
Learn how to critically and supportively critique other writers' work
Try your hand at writing different kinds of work to see what you like best
Meet other aspiring writers and begin to form your own creative community
About this course:
This six-week course is perfect for anyone just getting started on their path to being a writer. Students work in small breakout sessions with experienced writers and teachers, then attend a lecture by various guest speakers with expertise in fiction, poetry, nonfiction or screenwriting. Short assignments are workshopped in the weekly breakout sessions. The goal of the course is to expose new writers to a variety of types of writing while getting their creative juices flowing. At the end of the quarter, students feel more confident about their skills and are prepared for further study of writing.
This course is held via video teleconference. Instructors use Zoom to offer live class meetings at the designated class meeting time. Students must be present at the course meeting time as each student’s final grade may include scores for participation. Please inform your instructor if you will miss a class meeting. You are responsible for any class information you missed. We suggest you arrange with a fellow classmate to share their notes when feasible.
No meeting February 15. Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. Internet access required.
Refund Deadline
No refunds after February 15, 2025
Course Requirements
Internet access required to retrieve course materials.
Sat Feb 1, 2025
1:00PM PT - 4:00PM PT
Remote Classroom
Sat Feb 8, 2025
1:00PM PT - 4:00PM PT
Remote Classroom
Sat Feb 22, 2025
1:00PM PT - 4:00PM PT
Remote Classroom
Sat Mar 1, 2025
1:00PM PT - 4:00PM PT
Remote Classroom
Sat Mar 8, 2025
1:00PM PT - 4:00PM PT
Remote Classroom
Sat Mar 15, 2025
1:00PM PT - 4:00PM PT
Remote Classroom
Spring 2025 Schedule
Date & Time
Saturday 1:00PM - 4:00PM PT
Future Offering (Opens February 03, 2025 12:00:00 AM)
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