New Business Development and Pitching the Perfect Presentation

MGMT X 460.494

Develop and perfect your business pitch in this course so that you are ready to sell your product/service to your next client, or to pitch your new business idea to potential investors.


What you can learn.

  • Develop an effective and compelling pitch to sell your product, service, or business idea
  • Practice pitching your presentation to perfect your delivery
  • Learn techniques to make powerful elevator pitches, formal presentations, and cold calls

About this course:

Vital to the success of any marketing initiative or business venture is the ability to develop appropriate content and present it. The course teaches you how to develop the perfect business pitch for selling products and services to prospects or pitching a new venture to potential investors. Instruction covers the latest techniques for making powerful "elevator pitches," formal presentations, and cold calls. 

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

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