Employee Resources

Telecommuting Guidelines and Technology

Telecommuting Guidelines

For Employees

For Supervisors

Technology and Tools for Working Remotely

Some information from this page has been excerpted from the UCLA Staff Planning for Operational Disruption 

For Assistance

Contact IT Help Desk: its@uclaextension.edu or call 310-825-8217



Employees are expected to time stamp for work on a daily basis. 

  • Non-exempt employees are expected to time stamp (at least) twice each work day, at the beginning and the end, reflecting all time worked
  • Exempt employees time stamp once each work day, usually at the beginning of their work day


UCLA Extension Telephone System: Jabber

UCLA VoIP / Voicemail


Office 365: What You Need to Know

If a department is on Office 365 or Outlook Enterprise Messaging, email can be accessed remotely at: https://www.it.ucla.edu/email-web

Google Apps

Google Apps is an integrated communication and collaboration solution offered by Google, which includes Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Docs, and more.

Activate your account: Google Apps for UCLA 


Box is a university-approved, secure method to store and share documents online.

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Connect to UCLA's network from remote locations. A VPN is a secured private network connection built on top of publicly-accessible infrastructure. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is required to connect to UCLA Extension's VPN.

How to connect to VPN:

Connect to the UNEX VPN:

UNEX VPN Address: vpn.uclaextension.edu

Login name: your UCLA Extension network login

Login password: your UCLA Extension network password

Second password: Duo Security* (app that runs on your smartphone) 

*The Duo Security code can be obtained by launching the Duo App on your smartphone, and tapping the UCLA_Extension line to reveal a 6 digit code that changes every 60 seconds. 


Zoom Video Communications provides audio/web and video-conferencing in a simple, easy-to-use format.

Zoom at UCLA

How to join a zoom meeting:

How to schedule a zoom meeting:

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