Landscape Design 2: Site Design

ARCH X 471.1B

Learn how to analyze a site and create a program design that responds to the site and surroundings.


What you can learn.

  • Complete a site analysis and inventory
  • Apply a design program to a site
  • Use design processes to develop design concepts and solutions

About this course:

This course introduces the landscape architectural design process. Emphasizing process and concept development, students identify a problem and then use site inventory, analysis, program development and exploration to test solutions. Projects are small-scale sites—preferably actual and visitable, such as intimate courtyards, street plazas and pocket parks—and/or physically built (i.e., limited use of computer drafting, rendering and 3D modeling).
ARCH X 471.1A Landscape Design 1: Site Design Basics and ARCH X 472.4E Design Graphics 2: Communication for Site Analysis, Conceptual and Site Design

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

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