Credential Courses for Educators

Methods Courses

high school classroom chemistry experiment

For adding a Teaching or Content Area to an existing Multiple or Single Subject Credential

The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing allows California credentialed K-12 teachers to obtain an additional credential, either multiple subject or single subject, without completing the full professional preparation program for that credential.

Candidates must complete a three-semester unit or four-quarter-unit course in methodology directly related to teaching in a departmentalized setting in the specific content area sought and the content area subject-matter competence (CSET).

For example:

  • An elementary teacher with a Multiple Subject credential may want to add Single Subject Math to his/her credential in order to teach math in middle school or high school grades
  • A high school history teacher with a Single Subject Social Science credential may want to add Single Subject Physical Education to his/her credential in order to teach high school physical education
  • A middle school English teacher with a Single Subject English credential may also want to be authorized to teach in self-contained elementary grade classrooms by adding Multiple Subjects to his/her credential.

For additional information, please review the CTC leaflet (cl621a).

In most cases, a 4-quarter unit methodology course is required to add a teaching or content area to an existing Multiple Subject or Single Subject credential.*  

To add the multiple subject credential, candidates must take Methods of Teaching in Elementary Schools and Principles and Methods of Teaching Elementary Reading, in addition to the RICA and CSET.

A teacher who holds a Single Subject credential in one science area (e.g. chemistry) does not need to complete a science methods course to add another single subject science area to his/her credential (e.g., adding physics).

Additional Requirements

A teacher who seeks to add the multiple subject (elementary) grade levels to his/her credential is usually required to complete one teaching methods course for elementary subject areas (other than reading) and a separate methods course for teaching beginning readers.

Where to get a complete list of requirements

The Commission on Teacher Credentialing provides a complete list of requirements for adding a teaching or content area to a credential in leaflet CL-621A (pdf). Consult this leaflet before enrolling. 

All candidates are required to demonstrate subject matter competency in the target subject area, which is often done by passing the appropriate California Subject Exam for Teachers (CSET).

Candidates adding multiple subject must also pass the Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA).

Receiving State Certification for Added Teaching or Subject Areas to a California Credential

Once a teacher had met all requirements for adding a teaching or content area to an existing credential, he/she applies directly to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing for the additional certification. See CTC leaflet CL-621A (pdf). 

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