The Power and Practice of Public Service

GENINT 721.729

Osher (50+). In this course, we discuss the value of public service. 


About this course:

Adults 50 and older make up the nation’s largest demographic for voluntary activity. This infusion of expertise, time, and support in our communities promotes inter-generational understanding, builds peer relationships, and strengthens resource-limited non-profit organizations. In this course, we review the history of older adult engagement in volunteer activity, the various secular and religious traditions of service, and the evolution of legal and policy contexts for public service. We discuss practical service opportunities, the structure and needs of non-profit organizations, and the major controversies and debates in the field. We also review case studies of best practices encouraging justice, sustainability, and effectiveness. Group discussion is designed to help participants maximize their impact and sense of purpose in the specific organizations and communities where they serve. Co-taught by Jeffrey Bouman, PhD, a leadership trainer working with Hungarian migrant and refugee-impacted populations.

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