Feature Film Writing Conservatory


Complete a Feature Film Certificate as you take a script from concept to completion, with weeks devoted to professional development and revision practices.


What you can learn.

  • Work collaboratively in a small cohort of students to create and polish a new script
  • Participate in 5 weeks of professional development to prepare you for an industry career
  • Draft a new project under the mentorship of a master instructor with years of real-world experience
  • Receive a Certificate in Feature Film Writing upon completion of this single course

About this course:

In this highly intensive, focused, and collaborative environment with a cohort of select students, you start with a new feature film story concept and develop it into a dynamic, compelling, market-ready screenplay in 9 months.  You learn how to articulate a personal vision while balancing the intuitive with the technical. Throughout the process, your originality is encouraged as you’re guided to create complex characterizations, a powerful dynamic structure, thematic subtext, and tell your story visually. The workshop allows for in-depth analysis of each participant’s work, along with brain-storming and problem-solving sessions. Professional development is another key component to having a successful writing career. Topics including forming business relationships, pitching in meetings, preparing for rejection/success, submitting to competitions and fellowships, etc., is also covered. Lastly, you take your completed screenplay drafts and polish them to be ready to take out to agents, producers, studios, and networks. Upon completion, you receive complimentary benefits such as, a certificate in Feature Film Writing, a one-on-one consult, and a one year WP Now membership. 

Submit your strongest writing sample that showcases your storytelling abilities, such as the first ten pages of a screenplay, a short story, article, play, etc.  Also attach a two-to-three page personal statement, a resume, plus up to three loglines for a new project you wish to develop in the course. Participants will not be charged the full course fee unless they are selected for the series.

Admission to this course is by application only and the selection process is competitive. It is recommended that students take intermediate-level courses prior to submitting their work. When this course is open for enrollment, click "See Details" for application guidelines and quarterly application deadlines.

Contact Us

Speak to a student advisor. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.
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