Unity I: 3D Game Design and Game Engines

DESMA X 479.7K

Jump in and create a 3-D game experience using the world class game engine Unity. Students will design fantastic other world realities.


What you can learn.

  • Learn the strategic skills necessary to create compelling worlds and game experiences
  • Build technical software skills
  • Create a full 3D experience by the end of class

About this course:

Jump in and create a 3D game experience using the world-class game engine known as Unity. Students design environments of their creation, believable and/or fantastic other world realities. This class walks students through the powerhouse game engine Unity and covers the strategic skills necessary to create compelling world and game experiences, in a variety of applications. The class is designed to allow students to create a 3D experience by the end of class. In this intense but doable class, students rapidly build technical skills with the software, then build on this knowledge to create compelling and engaging experiences. Basic code literacy and 3D knowledge helpful but not required.
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Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

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