steve Horowitz

Steve Horowitz

Dr. Horowitz is adjunct professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, (UCLA), Fordham University in New York and National University, San Diego, California. He holds a doctorate degree in Leadership and Policy Studies from Loyola University, Chicago. Dr. Horowitz works extensively with leaders in education, business, government, and social service organizations, where he provides extensive workshop training in the fields of leadership, communication, and cultural diversity

Dr. Horowitz also worked as a school administrator and desegregation specialist in the Chicago Public Schools, where he also established independent public relations company-New Freedom Communications. He has an extensive career in county government as well, specializing in public relations and workforce organizational development. Dr. Horowitz has won major State and National Awards in the areas of leadership and communication. He is also the author of the book The Message Maker, a public relations textbook.

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