Global Business Practices in Sustainability

MGMT X 481.5

This course provides an overview of global business practices in sustainability, focusing on the business rationale for sustainability, examining why and how businesses are addressing environmental and sustainability issues.


What you can learn.

  • Explore environmental and sustainability issues across sectors and industries
  • Gain an understanding of the various principles, models, methodologies, and indicators of sustainability
  • Understand how global business awareness and practices in the field have evolved since the concept first emerged in the 1980s

About this course:

This course provides a broad overview of global business practices in sustainability, designed to help students develop a strong foundation in this complex subject. The primary focus is helping students understand the business rationale for sustainability. Students examine why and how a business is addressing environmental and sustainability issues across sectors and industries. Additionally, the course covers the various principles, models, methodologies, and indicators of sustainability to help students understand how global business awareness and practices in the field have evolved since the concept first emerged in the 1980s.

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Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.
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