Legere Gisselle

Gisselle Legere

Instructor Biography:

A former epidemiologist turned writer and WGA member. She is an alum of the Sundance Screenwriters Intensive lab and the Disney-ABC Writer’s Program. Ms. Legere was most recently staffed on ABC’s Quantico, where her episode “No Place is Home” was nominated for a Women’s Image Award.

Instructor Statement:

I believe that everyone has a story to tell, but not everyone has the tools to do so.  My hope is to teach students how to connect to and draw inspiration from their own lives in order to craft the most authentic and compelling stores they have to tell.

Whether you’re a writer who wants to learn how to pitch for the first time, or how to survive in the writer’s room, or how to turn a book into a TV series…

You’ll learn how to brainstorm ideas that provide an engine for a TV series, develop premises, and hone your pitching skills.  Learn how to quickly spot key story beats and how to turn those into a working outline and first draft.

Along the way you’ll also learn the basics of working in a writer’s room, including how to give and receive notes, navigate the politics of the room and when and how to pitch an idea.

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