Supply Chain Analysis and Compliance

MGMT X 445.4

This course covers the duties and responsibilities associated with the purchasing analysis and compliance functions.


What you can learn.

  • Describe basic purchasing activities including price and value analysis, considering life cycle cost factors
  • Develop and maintain approved procurement systems, ensuring all contract and regulatory compliance requirements are met
  • Comprehend the review process of ethical issues associated with international and government procurement
  • Evaluate supplier chain, utilize process improvement, and cost reduction opportunities to mitigate allegations of fraud, abuse, and unethical behavior

About this course:

This course covers the duties and responsibilities associated with the purchasing analysis and compliance functions. Topics include price analysis, value analysis, life cycle cost considerations, system audits, regulatory compliance and ethics. Emphasis is on maintaining an approved procurement system and assuring that all contract and regulatory compliance requirements are met. Ethical issues associated with international and government procurements are reviewed. Instruction also covers the methods of proactively evaluating the supplier chain to identify opportunities for process improvements and cost reductions and to mitigate allegations of fraud, abuse and unethical behavior.
MGMT X 445 Fundamentals of Supply Chain Management or consent of instructor.

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