Health Care Law and Legal Issues in Patient Advocacy

HLT POL X 407.4

Learn laws and regulations involving patient rights and responsibilities. Taught by experts in health law, this course presents the fundamental legal structure that affects the provision of health care in the United States.


What you can learn.

  • Understand patient confidentiality including HIPAA
  • Compare health insurance claim denials and appeals
  • Address mediation and negotiation for effective problem solving
  • Comprehend bioethics and the law
  • Evaluate end of life decision making

About this course:

Our nation's health care providers and delivery systems conduct their varied activities under an array of ever-changing, complex state and federal laws. To function effectively, patient advocates need a current working knowledge of the laws and regulations involving patient rights and responsibilities. Taught by experts in health law, this course presents the fundamental legal structure that affects the provision of health care in the United States.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

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