Art in Post-War Europe and America

GENINT 731.317

Osher (50+). This course explores the diverse forms of post-war art.


About this course:

The impact of the two world wars led to a paradigm shift affecting all aspects of life, including how art was produced and appreciated. At the same time, the art movements of the second half of the 20th century were varied and diverse, sometimes overlapping with often in direct response to each other. This course explores the diverse forms of post-war art—from abstract expressionism, developed by artists such as Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, and Willem de Kooning—to pop art, led by Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein. We also follow the development of individualized and conceptual styles, such as the rise of earth art, feminist art, minimalism, and kinetic art. Other artists we cover include Robert Smithson, Judy Chicago, Claus Oldenburg, Alan Kaprow, Christo, Audrey Flack, and many more. This course will be recorded. Students will have access to videos for the duration of the course.

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