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MUSC X 448.86
Touring, Tour Budgeting and Merchandising

Understand the business and mechanics of the concert touring industry with insights into planning shows, acquiring revenue through ticket sales and merchandising, and maximizing profits through marketing and promotion.

In Person
MUSC X 448.81
Music Publishing: A Creative and Business Perspective

Learn the basics of music publishing through a multi-platform course that covers everything from effective songs, marketing, copyright and protecting your money, and pitching your music to the entertainment industry at large.

In Person
MUSC X 448.80
Do-It-Yourself Music Marketing

Learn the exhaustive process of DIY music sales and promotion from developing your brand and identifying your vision all the way to promotions and publicity while creating your own customized, low-budget marketing plan.

MUSC X 448.6
The Record Production Process: Professional Practices

An overview of the role of the record producer and their responsibility through all the stages of making a record: pre-production, recording, overdubs, editing, mixing, and mastering.

In Person
MUSC X 448.35
Legal and Practical Aspects of the Music Business

Discover how to monetize and maintain revenue in the music industry, no matter what your role may be, by exploring copyrights, streaming services, social networks, the nature of talent/business agreements, and much more.

In Person
MUSC X 448.171
The Business of Film Music

Focusing on the vital business skills needed to build and maintain your career as a film and television composer, this course features comprehensive coverage of current business and financial practices in the industry.

In Person
MUSC X 448.17
Music Publishing: Law and Business

Understand the world of music publishing for businesses and personal managers. This course gives you a basic understanding of copyright law, songwriting agreements, and more through lectures, discussions, and guest speakers.

MUSC X 448.14B
The Art and Craft of Music Mixing

Learn the art and craft of mixing music as it applies to the many creative and technical considerations involved in "mixing" by exploring a new genre of music each week that is mixed from start to finish.

In Person
MUSC X 447.31
The Insider's Guide to Music Management

Discover all that it takes to be a successful music manager from finding out what exactly they do, to avoiding management pitfalls, and understanding how managers work in the independent and digital space.

In Person
MUSC X 446.2
A&R: Making Music from Acquisition to Release

Learn the functions of the A&R professional, including the collective effort needed from all departments—artist and label—in the creation of recorded music in all formats, from inception to acquisition and release.

In Person
MUSC X 441.5
Creating Commercial Sounding Masters

Explore the full potential of creating music using professional sound equipment to obtain industry standard clarity, as well as learning how to craft compelling artist performances and recording using software.

MUSC X 441.3
Audio Recording Theory

Specifically tailored to independent artists, this course presents a practical and effective introduction to the theory, art, and craft of sound recording.

In Person
MUSC X 440
Create and Produce Your Own Music Project

Through intensive, hands-on, real-world classes, learn the ins-and-outs of the creative side of music production from performing to producing.

In Person
MUSC X 415.3
Making Your Mark in Music: Stage Performance Secrets

Develop your artistic identity, stage presence, and signature sound. Single yourself out as a performer, artist, and songwriter by developing a unique presence in today's entertainment industry.

MUSC X 409.8
Professional Songwriting for the Commercial Market: A Weekly Workout

In this workshop, songwriters seek to hone their craft through support and critique as each class is divided in two parts: the first section devoted to critiquing student compositions and the second to lectures and discourse.

In Person
MUSC X 404.4
Crafting Great Lyrics: A Songwriting Workshop

Of interest to beginners as well as more experienced songwriters, this course offers a supportive and inspirational writing workshop environment focusing on three interrelated aspects of songwriting: form, theme, and content.

MUSC X 403.53
Harmony II: Techniques for Composing Contemporary Music

Deepen your understanding of harmony with an exploration of contemporary music starting with the French Impressionists of the 19th century and ending with current composers. In this course, you will create your own compositions informed by the lessons learned from great composers.

In Person
MUSC X 403.52
Harmony I: Crash Course in Composing for Tonal Music

Introduce yourself to the power and nuance of harmony, study its use in classical symphonies, gain a foundational understanding of harmony, and create your own compositions emulating the harmonic lessons learned.

In Person
MUSC X 403.51
The Art of Counterpoint

This course is designed for all those who wish to develop a foundation in the craft of composition regardless of stylistic differences through the study of counterpoint.

MUSC X 401.5
Elements of Hit Songwriting

Designed for both musicians and lyricists, this hands-on introduction to the craft of songwriting focuses on collaboration and teaches a step-by-step method for writing a professional-quality song.

In Person

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